Conditions we Treat

South Yarra Osteopathy understands the most important services you may require for your health, by bringing them together in a centre of clinical excellence. 

Back Pain

Low back pain is a common ailment that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, and injury. In this blog post, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments of low back pain.

Causes of Low Back Pain: Low back pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Poor posture
    Poor posture can put strain on the muscles and ligaments in the lower back, leading to pain and discomfort.

  • Muscle strain
    Overuse or improper use of the muscles in the lower back can lead to muscle strain, which can cause pain and discomfort.

  • Injury
    Injuries to the muscles, ligaments, or discs in the lower back can cause pain and discomfort.

Symptoms of Low Back Pain: The symptoms of low back pain can vary depending on the cause and severity of the pain. Common symptoms include:

  • Pain in the lower back that may be sharp or dull

  • Stiffness in the lower back

  • Difficulty moving or bending

Low back pain is a common ailment that can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, and injury. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatments of low back pain can help you manage and reduce your pain and discomfort. If you are experiencing low back pain, it is important to consult with your Osteopath to determine the best course of treatment for your specific needs.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common ailment that can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, and injury. Neck pain can range from mild discomfort to severe pain that limits movement and affects daily activities.

Common causes of neck pain include poor posture, muscle strain, injury, and degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis or cervical spondylosis. Other factors that can contribute to neck pain include stress, anxiety, and poor sleep habits.

Symptoms of neck pain can vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Common symptoms include stiffness, soreness, and difficulty moving the neck. In some cases, neck pain can also be accompanied by headaches, shoulder pain, or numbness and tingling in the arms or hands.

Treatment for neck pain depends on the cause and severity of the condition. In many cases, neck pain can be managed with conservative treatments such as rest, ice or heat therapy, and over-the-counter pain relief. Osteopathy can be of great help in relieving neck pain and improving range of motion.

Overall, neck pain is a common condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. With the right treatment and management, most people are able to find relief from neck pain and improve their quality of life. If you’re experiencing neck pain, it’s important to see Osteopath for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Headaches are a common ailment that can affect people of all ages. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, dehydration, and poor posture. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of headaches, their causes, and some tips for finding relief.

Types of Headaches: There are several types of headaches, including:

  • Tension headaches
    Tension headaches are the most common type of headache and are often caused by stress or poor posture.

  • Migraine headaches
    Migraine headaches are a type of headache that is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

  • Cluster headaches
    Cluster headaches are a type of headache that occurs in clusters or groups and are often accompanied by severe pain around the eye.

Causes of Headaches: Headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Stress
    Stress can cause tension in the muscles of the head and neck, leading to headaches.

  • Dehydration
    Dehydration can cause headaches due to a lack of fluid in the body.

  • Poor posture
    Poor posture can put strain on the muscles of the head and neck, leading to headaches.

Tips for Finding Relief: There are several tips for finding relief from headaches, including:

  • Rest
    Resting in a quiet, dark room can help reduce the pain of a headache.

  • Hydration
    Drinking plenty of fluids can help reduce the pain of a headache caused by dehydration.

  • Osteopathy
    Osteopathy can be helpful in relieving neck pain and improving

Headaches are a common ailment that can be caused by a variety of factors. Understanding the causes and types of headaches can help you find relief and improve your overall quality of life. If you are experiencing frequent or severe headaches, it is important to consult your Osteopath to determine the best course of treatment for your specific needs.

Pain whilst Pregnant

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can also come with its share of discomforts. One of the most common complaints among pregnant women is spinal pain. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips for finding relief from spinal pain during pregnancy.

  1. Maintain Good Posture
    Good posture is essential for reducing strain on the spine. Try to sit and stand up straight, and avoid slouching or hunching over.

  2. Use Supportive Pillows
    Using supportive pillows can help reduce pressure on the spine while sleeping. Consider using a pregnancy pillow or placing a pillow between your knees while sleeping on your side.

  3. Stay Active
    Regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles that support the spine and reduce the risk of spinal pain. Consider low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga.

  4. Practice Good Lifting Techniques
    When lifting objects, be sure to bend at the knees and use your legs to lift, rather than bending at the waist and using your back.

  5. Apply Heat or Cold
    Applying heat or cold to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Consider using a heating pad or warm towel, or applying an ice pack or cold compress.

  6. Osteopathy
    Osteopathy is a gentle and effective treatment option for spinal pain during pregnancy. Osteopaths use a variety of manual therapy techniques to help restore balance to the body and promote healing.

Spinal pain during pregnancy is a common complaint, but there are steps you can take to find relief. By maintaining good posture, using supportive pillows, staying active, practicing good lifting techniques, applying heat or cold, and considering osteopathic treatment, you can help reduce spinal pain and enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy. If you are experiencing severe or persistent spinal pain, it is important to consult Osteopath to determine the best course of treatment for your specific needs.

Shoulder, Arm & Hand Pain

Experiencing pain in your shoulder, arm, or hand can significantly limit your daily activities and quality of life. If you’re struggling with discomfort in these areas, osteopathic care at South Yarra Osteopathy can provide effective relief and promote healing.

Osteopaths take a holistic approach to understand the root cause of your pain. This may involve factors like:

  • Muscle strains or tears from overuse or injury
  • Joint dysfunction in the shoulder, elbow, or wrist
  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) caused by prolonged activities
  • Cervical spine issues that radiate pain down the arm

Osteopathic treatment plans are tailored to your specific needs. Our osteopaths may use a variety of techniques to address your pain, including:

  • Manual therapy: This involves gentle manipulations of the muscles, joints, and soft tissues to improve mobility and relieve tension.
  • Exercise prescription: Osteopaths can design personalized exercises to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and prevent future injuries.
  • Lifestyle modifications: They may recommend ergonomic changes or posture corrections to reduce strain on your shoulders, arms, and hands.

South Yarra Osteopathy’s osteopaths are also trained in:

  • Dry needling: A technique using thin needles to inactivate trigger points and reduce muscle pain.
  • Osteopathic taping: Kinesio tape application to support joints and improve proprioception (body awareness).

By addressing the root cause of your pain and promoting overall well-being, osteopathic care can help you regain pain-free movement and function in your shoulder, arm, and hand.

Hip, Knee & Elbow Pain

Discomfort in your hips, knees, or feet can significantly hinder your daily activities.** Osteopathy at South Yarra Osteopathy offers a natural, effective approach to alleviate pain and restore mobility in these crucial joints.

Osteopaths take a holistic view, considering how your entire body functions to identify the root cause of your pain. This may involve factors like:

  • Muscle imbalances or tightness around the hips, knees, and ankles.
  • Joint dysfunction caused by injuries, arthritis, or wear and tear.
  • Postural misalignments putting undue stress on your lower body.
  • Biomechanical issues affecting your gait and weight distribution.

Treatment plans are tailored specifically for you. Our osteopaths may utilize various techniques to manage your pain and promote healing, such as:

  • Manual therapy: Gentle manipulations to improve joint mobility, reduce muscle tension, and enhance circulation.
  • Taping: Taping application to support joints, improve proprioception (body awareness), and promote healing.
  • Exercise prescription: Personalized exercises to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and prevent future injuries.

Additionally, our Osteopaths may recommend:

  • Footwear assessment and recommendations: To ensure proper support and alignment.
  • Lifestyle modifications: Addressing factors like weight management or ergonomic adjustments to reduce strain on your lower body.

By addressing the underlying cause of your pain and promoting overall well-being, osteopathic care can help you regain pain-free movement and function in your hips, knees, and feet.

Jaw Pain

Jaw pain or TMJD ( temporomandibular joint disorder) causes pain and dysfunction in the jaw and surrounding muscles. Picture this: between the two bones of your jaw, there’s a disc. When you open your mouth, the disc moves with the bones to prevent rubbing. But if the disc is out of place, you’re in for a world of trouble. Clicking, tightening of muscles, and even wear and tear that can lead to arthritis.

Common signs and ymptoms of TMJ Disorder:

  • Pain around the jaw that feels like a suspenseful mystery
  • Headaches
  • Clicking of the jaw on opening or closing
  • Reduced jaw mobility and locking
  • Tight muscles of the neck and head

How can our Osteopaths help? We’ve got all the tools and techniques to help you including:

  • Hands on techniques to reduce muscle spasms and guarding
  • Improving mobility throughout the neck and jaw
  • Heat/ice therapy to soothe the pain
  • Exercises and rehabilitation to strengthen your defences
  • Ergonomic advice for home and workplace
  • Clinical Pilates to improve your strength and flexibility
  • Dry needling to release trigger points and reduce pain, like a superhero targeting the enemy with precision

How Long Will It Take to Get Better? With our expert management and hands-on treatment, most minor cases of TMJ Disorder can be within 3 weeks. But beware TMJ Disorder can be persistent. Healing may be prolonged due to factors like work, illness, physical activity, general health, and inability to rest. Without adequate treatment and compliance to rest and exercises, TMJ disorders can become chronic and lead to degeneration and arthritis in the future.

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are a common occurrence among athletes of all levels. Whether you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, injuries can happen when you least expect them. In this blog post, we’ll explore how osteopathic treatment can help you recover from sports injuries and get back in the game.

  1. Manual Therapy
    Osteopathic treatment often involves manual therapy techniques, such as massage, myofascial release, and joint mobilization. These hands-on techniques can help reduce muscle tension, improve range of motion, and promote healing in injured tissues.

  2. Exercise and Rehabilitation
    Osteopaths may also prescribe specific exercises and rehabilitation programs to help strengthen the muscles around the injured area and improve overall function. This can help prevent future injuries and improve performance.

  3. Pain Management
    Osteopaths can also provide pain management techniques, such as acupuncture or dry needling, to help reduce pain and discomfort associated with sports injuries.

  4. Prevention
    In addition to treating sports injuries, Osteopaths can also provide advice on injury prevention strategies, such as proper warm-up and cool-down techniques, proper form and technique, and appropriate footwear and equipment.

Sports injuries can be frustrating and debilitating, but with the right treatment, you can recover and get back in the game. Osteopathic treatment offers a holistic approach to sports injury management, focusing on restoring balance to the body and promoting healing. If you’re struggling with a sports injury, don’t hesitate to seek help from a qualified Osteopath. They can help you recover and get back to doing what you love.

Cranial Osteopathy Treatment for Babies & Children

Cranial Osteopathy (Biodynamic) is a gentle and non-invasive form of manual therapy that focuses on the head (cranium) and its relationship with the rest of the body. It is based on the principle that the body has the ability to heal itself, and that the cranial bones, membranes, and cerebrospinal fluid play a key role in this process. In this blog post, we’ll explore how cranial osteopathy can be a beneficial treatment option for babies and children.

  1. Birth Trauma
    The process of birth can be traumatic for both the mother and the baby. The baby’s head may be compressed or twisted during delivery, which can lead to misalignments in the cranial bones and neck muscles. Cranial Osteopathy can help release tension in the cranial bones and restore balance to the body.

  2. Colic and Reflux 
    Colic and reflux are common issues that can affect babies in the first few months of life. Cranial Osteopathy can help relieve tension in the muscles of the digestive system and improve the flow of fluids, which can help reduce symptoms of colic and reflux.

  3. Ear Infections
    Ear infections are a common issue in young children. Cranial Osteopathy can help improve the drainage of fluid from the ears and reduce inflammation, which can help relieve pain and discomfort.

  4. Cranial osteopathy
    Cranial osteopathy can help reduce tension in the muscles of the head and neck, which can help improve mood and behavior in children.

Cranial Osteopathy is a gentle and effective treatment option for babies and children. It can help relieve tension, improve the flow of fluids, and support healthy development. If you’re considering cranial osteopathy for your child, be sure to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best course of treatment for your child’s specific needs.

Postural Dysfunction including Scoliosis

Postural dysfunction, including conditions like scoliosis, can have a significant impact on your quality of life. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most effective treatments for postural dysfunction and how they can help you find relief.

  1. Osteopathy
    Hands – on techniques, such as massage, myofascial release, and joint mobilization, can help reduce muscle tension and improve range of motion in the spine. These hands-on techniques can also promote relaxation and reduce stress, which can contribute to postural dysfunction.

  2. Exercise and Stretching
    Regular exercise and stretching can help strengthen the muscles that support the spine and improve flexibility. This can help prevent further progression of postural dysfunction and reduce the severity of current symptoms. Exercises that focus on improving posture and strengthening the core muscles can be particularly beneficial.

  3. Bracing
    In some cases, bracing may be recommended to help support the spine and prevent further progression of postural dysfunction. Bracing can be particularly effective for treating scoliosis in children and adolescents.

  4. Ergonomic Changes
    Making ergonomic changes to your workspace or daily activities can help reduce strain on the spine. This can include adjusting the height of your computer monitor, using a supportive chair, and taking regular breaks to stretch and move.

Postural dysfunction, including conditions like scoliosis, can be a challenging condition to manage. However, with the right treatment, you can find relief and improve your quality of life. Whether it’s through Osteopathy, exercise and ergonomic changes, there are many effective treatments available. If you’re struggling with postural dysfunction, don’t hesitate to seek help your Osteopath.

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Mon-Fri: 8am – 7pm
Saturday: 8am – 1pm
